Please help us out as "Bullying" can happen at any age.
I would like to share something that happened in Charlies classroom which will explain to you why I have joined in the Anti Bullying Crusade. If you have children anyone at any age can be bullied. It also happens to adults. I learned this when I attended this Crusade.
Charlies, first week of school was supposed to be exciting and nothing bad was supposed to happen. As he is only in kindergarten But that is not what happened. He came home the first week upset as it was the week my mom passed and we had to bury here. So one we got through that and Monday came around I helped him get ready for school. I left him there knowing he was going to have a great time. Only that is not the case. I picked him up and I could tell he was not himself. As we walked home he told me his friend Bradley stabbed another little boy in the leg with a fork. He asked me if that was going to happen to him. I told him I hoped not and we would Pray Bradley got the help he needed and that the little boy would be OK. Nighttime came and Charlie needed to go to sleep which he did. But he tossed and turned as he thought it would happen to him.
Now before I write this I do not want any child to get into trouble but I thought they would remove Bradley and get him some help but this was not the case. Which caused some of the kids to be scared to go to class. But Charlies teacher worked hard to get all the kids calmed down and to want to go to school. I did ask Charlie to talk to Bradley as none of the other children would and now they are best friends. I am not going to say Bradley will never does this again but what I am saying is this little boy needs love and we are going to see that he gets it.
Then a couple weeks later there was another incident in Charlies room where a little girl brings a pocket knife No one was hurt but it still scared the students. Plus this little girl did not get into trouble either. So each day when I wake my son up for school I just Pray he comes home safe.
So Please take the time and sign Abby's Pledge as both Charlie and I did and we have joined Mrs. Greenwood in her campaign and I am asking you to join us as well.
I will notice and take action. I can make a difference."
Glenda, Charlie and David
Wow! Teachers cannot do it all by themselves, this is why the community has to step up! JOIN THE CRUSADE! WE NEED TO TRAIN OUR KIDS ON SAFETY and we need to bring awareness!